The coloured bar can only be generated if you have a result and a reference range. If you have a result with no reference range it is normally because the laboratory didn't have sufficient information to apply the correct reference range to your result. Often this is for tests where the reference range can change according to the time of day you collected your sample (e.g. cortisol tests), or for female hormone tests where the reference range changes depending on where you are in the menstrual cycle. Sometimes the lab will use different reference ranges depending on whether it was a fasting sample or not. This applies to tests like blood glucose and insulin where a fasting range will be lower than a "random" range.
If you didn't have time to fill in the supporting information before our doctors commented on your results then please call our customer care team who will be able to update your supporting information retrospectively. Please be aware, that once your results have been uploaded, you will not be able to add any supporting information yourself.
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